
What Are Repurchase Agreements in Money Market Funds

by gerard3d, 2 agosto, 2023

What are Repurchase Agreements in Money Market Funds?

A repurchase agreement, or repo, is a short-term borrowing arrangement between two parties, usually between a dealer or a bank and an investor. In money market funds, repos are used to generate income by lending out cash in exchange for a security, usually government bonds. The repo agreement specifies the terms of the transaction, including the amount of cash lent, the interest rate, and the maturity date.

How does it work?

Let`s say a money market fund has $1 million in cash and wants to earn additional income. The fund may enter into a repo agreement with a bank or dealer, lending out the cash in exchange for a security, such as a U.S. Treasury bond. The security serves as collateral for the loan, and the repo rate represents the interest rate paid by the bank or dealer for the use of the cash.

At the end of the repo term, typically one to three months, the bank or dealer repurchases the security from the money market fund at a slightly higher price, repaying the loan plus interest. The money market fund earns income from the interest paid on the repo, and the bank or dealer has access to short-term funding.

What are the risks?

While repos are generally considered low-risk investments, there are some risks to consider. The first is the risk of default by the counterparty, such as the bank or dealer. If the counterparty were to fail to repay the loan, the money market fund could lose its cash or be forced to sell the security at a loss to recover its funds.

Another risk is the risk of a decline in the value of the security held as collateral. If the value of the security were to decline significantly, the money market fund could lose money if it were forced to sell the security to recover its funds.

Finally, there is also the risk that the repo market may become illiquid, meaning that there may be few buyers or sellers for these securities, or that the interest rates offered may be unfavorable.


In summary, repurchase agreements are an important tool for money market funds to generate income by lending out cash in exchange for a security. While they are generally considered low-risk, investors should be aware of the risks involved, including the risk of default by the counterparty, the risk of a decline in the value of the security held as collateral, and the risk of illiquidity in the market. As with any investment, it is important to carefully review the terms of the repo agreement and to consult with a financial advisor to determine whether it is appropriate for your investment goals and risk tolerance.

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